
Our lab uses computational and mathematical approaches to investigate the mechanisms that govern cancer tissues and their spatial ecosystems. We specialize in image analysis and evolutionary approaches for breast cancer, colorectal cancer, melanoma, and other tumor types

Research Topics

Our lab uses computational and mathematical approaches to understand cancer tissues and their spatial ecosystems. We work at the intersection of tissue AI, genomic and evolutionary analysis, and biophysical modeling. We are currently focused on the development of AI approaches for multiplex cancer image analysis and the identification of spatially-mediated mechanisms of cancer response to therapy.


PDXNet U24 grant

The Chuang lab has led the National Cancer Institutes’ Patient-Derived Xenograft Network Consortium Coordinating Center since 2017. We work with institutes including Huntsman Cancer Institute, Baylor College of Medicine, the Wistar Institute, the University of Pennsylvania, Washington University in St. Louis, UC Davis, MD Anderson, Dana Farber Cancer Center, and Virginia Commonwealth University. We coordinate collaborative research projects and pre-clinical treatment studies toward the goal of developing clinical trials based on cancer drug-testing in patient-derived xenografts.